Candidature UNESCO World Heritage Comittee

2025-2029 The Kingdom of the Netherlands

The Kingdom of the Netherlands and the World Heritage Committee

Source: Bertel Kolthof / Stichting Werelderfgoed


The Kingdom of the Netherlands welcomes you on our webpage where you can find more information about our candidature for the UNESCO World Heritage Committee 2025-2029.

As a committee member, we will be a reliable partner in protecting and promoting inclusive World Heritage for future generations by promoting  a fair and balanced World Heritage List, ensuring  sustainable and resilient heritage for people and nature and by building bridges between communities and experts.

We regard culture as a guiding force for a peaceful and livable society. Thanks to our extensive experience, expertise and innovative solutions, particularly in the field of water management and sustainable urban development, we are a trusted partner in World Heritage protection

We attach great importance to inclusion and international cooperation. This means involving local communities and fostering global partnerships in heritage protection and preservation.


Learn more about the Dutch World Heritage!

Source: UNESCO Werelderfgoed / Stichting Werelderfgoed Nederland

Take a look at the website of the Dutch World Heritage foundation, to learn more about Dutch World Hertiage. 

Stichting Werelderfgoed


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Modified 2 Months ago by Lotte Geukes.


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